What will you meditate on?

Biblical meditation is the process of contemplating God’s promises and allowing truth to soak deep into our souls. Psalm 1 tells us that if we meditate on God’s word, we’ll flourish, like a tree planted alongside a stream.
In our non-stop world, slowing down enough to meditate on scripture can feel challenging. But putting the brakes on life for just a minute and allowing God’s word to permeate our minds is a way to experience peace and joy.
Biblical meditation has many benefits:
- Spiritual growth: Enjoy a deepened relationship with God.
- Peace and calm: Detaching from distractions and anxieties yields a sense of tranquility.
- Increased wisdom: Hear from the Holy Spirit about how Biblical truth applies to your current situation
- Strengthen faith: Encounter truth and promises that provide spiritual nourishment.
Here are a few tips to get started:
- Find a comfortable, distraction-free place.
- Set a timer for 10 minutes to start – longer if you can!
- Choose a verse or passage of scripture. (See below for some ideas.)
- Consider writing out the passage and journaling your thoughts as they come to mind.
- Read the passage in multiple versions.
- Consider listening to the verse on repeat in an app like Dwell.
- Use your imagination to bring it to life.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate what He would have for you.
Here are some passages to consider:
Psalm 23
John 15:1-11
John 10:1-18
Matthew 5:3-16
Scripture meditation is a powerful tool to reclaim the joy the world frequently attempts to steal. This grounding practice reminds us of who we are and what we have in Christ!
Consider these resources to help you in your journey:
God’s Battle Plan for the Mind: The Puritan Practice of Biblical Meditation
by David W. Saxton
Deeper Still: Finding Clear Minds and Full Hearts through Biblical Meditation
by Linda Allcock
Photo credit: Rachel Strong on Unsplash