Our first CHOOSE JOY Challenge is to listen to worship music!

You choose joy by listening to worship music. When Christ-followers immerse themselves in worship music, it’s hard not to feel joy! Hearing themes of God’s grace, love, steadfastness, and mercy leads to peace and comfort, even in the most challenging circumstances. Worship music is a powerful tool for Christians to deepen their faith and experience the delight of a relationship with God!
For this first Choose Joy Challenge, we encourage all to choose joy by listening to worship music. And to make it easy, we’ve put together a joy-filled worship playlist on Spotify with over 3 hours of music!
From a theological perspective, music can be seen as a form of prayer. It is a way to express our love and devotion to God, and to offer up our praises and thanks for all that he has done for us.
At the same time, it is essential to remember that music is not the only way to worship God. While it is a powerful tool, it is ultimately our hearts and our intentions that matter most. We can worship God in many different ways, whether through prayer, reading scripture, or serving others.