Every Orphan’s Hope is a ministry on a mission! A mission to restore joy, not just to orphaned children in Zambia, but to you and your family as well!
So, how do we access the inexplicable joy that God has promised? It’s by not looking for the light at the end of the tunnel but looking at the light of Jesus with us in the tunnel. Christ-centered spiritual practices can help us stay close to Jesus.
Below you’ll find resources and stories to help you cultivate joy in your heart and in the hearts of those around you.
Choose Joy Challenge #6
When we don’t ask, we forfeit many blessings and, as a result, much joy.
Choose Joy Challenge #5
Contemplating God’s promises allows truth to soak deep into our souls and leads to joy!
Choose Joy Challenge #4
Celebration is enjoying joyfully in God, His character, His creation, and His people!
Choose Joy Challenge #3
The spiritual practice of encouraging others offers healing and joy to the giver and recipient.
Choose Joy Challenge #2
This week’s challenge is GRATITUDE! We can rewire our brains by being thankful!
Choose Joy Challenge #1
When Christ-followers immerse themselves in worship music, it’s hard not to feel joy!
Giving generously out of a heart of love yields JOY!

When you donate today, you give to meet the physical and emotional needs of orphans and widows in Zambia, Africa. Your partnership provides food, healthcare, education, transportation, belonging, security, and spiritual guidance to those in otherwise hopeless circumstances.
Thanks for joining the Joy Revival, restoring hope to orphans and joy to your life!