An annual memory-making adventure that everyone loves!
This yearly outing is one that most orphans in Zambia could only dream about! Each year, thanks to generous donors, the children and young adults of Every Orphan’s Hope are treated to an epic shopping spree at Cosmopolitan Mall, the biggest indoor mall in Lusaka.
The anticipation begins to build days before the hour-long bus ride into town. The upcoming shopping trip is the talk of the dinner table as each child begins to dream about the new shoes, shirts, jeans, and accessories they might find. Like Christmas Eve, they go to bed with pure excitement running through their veins. The chores get done a little faster this morning, and breakfast will have to wait as the kids are too excited to eat!
Like any good road trip, travel is half the fun. Sing-a-longs and laughter fill the bus. Squeals of joy are heard as the driver enters the mall parking lot!
After dividing the kids into groups, the shopping begins! The kids fill their baskets full of outfits and shoes, each careful to ensure the Kwacha they’ve been allocated goes as far as possible. Not only do they experience commerce, but they also have an opportunity to express their individuality by choosing their own clothes.
Thank you to all who sacrificed to provide these kids with such a fantastic day! As you can imagine, orphans in Zambia don’t normally have such a remarkable opportunity. But you made it happen!






If you are interested in contributing to the next shopping trip, you can!
This update comes from the 2023 Spring Ministry Update. You can read the complete newsletter below.